LaGraSA's Board, 2019-2020 academic year

In the picture (from the left): Alberto, Laura, Ana Laura, Fiorella, Pedro, Michael, Alejo, Mara, Effie, Julio


President: Maria Fernanda ("Mara") Vivanco, PhD Rural Soc and Intad – [PERU]

Vice-president: Alejandro Gil, PhD Ag and Extension Education and Intad – [COLOMBIA]

Treasurer: Laura Stiberman, PhD Sociology and demography – [ARGENTINA]

Secretary: Fiorella Orregioni, MS Water Resources Engineering – [PARAGUAY]

Communications and web manager: Effie Smith, MS Rural Sociology and Intad – [USA]

Advisor: Malena Ramirez, Theatre Faculty at Arts and Arch – [PUERTO RICO]


We also got some some people for the committees, and since these positions are not elective, the list will be open throughout the year:

Cultural Events
Pedro Henrique Vilela Carvalho, PhD Animal Science (Brasil)
Alberto Lopez, PhD Animal Science (Honduras)

Inclusion and Diversity
Salua Kamerow, AAUW (Colombia)
Elena Vazquez, PhD Architecture (Paraguay)
Carolyn Heinzi, MS Agricultural Education and Extension (Chile)

Advisory Committee
Julio Diarte, PhD Architecture (Paraguay)
Michael Gomez, PhD Engineering (Ecuador)
Cristian Cuadra, PhD Kinesiology (Chile)
Ana Laura Elias, Faculty at Physics Dept. (México)

Feel free to contact us if you want to participate!



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